
Observation during opening hours    
When our GP practice is closed during normal opening hours you call, for an urgent matter the general practice number.   
You will automatically be connected to an observing GP practice.

Observation outside opening hours    
For an urgent matter outside opening hours of our GP practice you call the GP post via number 0900 000 0000    
The GP post can be reached by telephone Monday until Friday from 17.00 until 08.00 hours and during weekends and on public holidays 24 hours a day.

The GP post is located at ZorgRotondeplein 1, 6800 AA in Arnhem.

At the GP post all GPs in the region work together. You will only be helped here for matters that can not wait until normal working hours and after a telephone appointment.      
You can be helped faster if you have the following information present:

  • your Citizen Service Number (BSN)
  • your health insurance card
  • the name of your GP
  • your medication use

For consultations and visits in the evening, night and weekend service you receive an invoice of the GP post.

Life threatening situations    
In a life threatening situation you call 112

When you call 112, please pass on:

  • what is going on
  • where help is needed
  • which emergency service seems to be needed: police, fire brigade and/or ambulance

Listen carefully to what the operator asks you and answer briefly and clearly.    
The operator will connect you to the appropriate emergency service(s) in your region.    
Do not disconnect the telephone connection until the operator indicates this.

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